Christmas time again...

    Whether you are in a part of the world which celebrates Christmas or not, all of us at Xtend-Life would like to pass on to you our very best wishes. If you are a customer, thank you so much for your support. If you are a subscriber, thank you for continuing to read the newsletters.

    Christmas time is supposed to be a time of goodwill to all people, irrespective of beliefs. Let us hope that 2006 will show a greater level of tolerance and goodwill to all people throughout the world.

    We wish you all a very happy New Year and of course a prosperous one, but most importantly a healthy one.

    Remember that no matter what your age you can finish each year healthier than the one before, if you make the effort. We will be releasing a new website early in the New Year and we are making a real effort to bring you even more information that you can use to help achieve this, if this is what your goal is. We also have some interesting new products under development as well.

    We will take a break from the newsletters for a couple of weeks.

    Until January 2006... take care and enjoy life.
