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Health Benefits And Uses Of


Feverfew, a small bush with daisy-like flowers and citrus-scented leaves, contains parthenolide and other active compounds that support the management of occasional headaches, digestive health, and the reproductive system.


Support for Occasional Headaches

Feverfew Background and Benefits

Feverfew is the common name for Tanacetum parthenium, a small bush that grows to a height of about 18 inches. This plant is also known by the scientific synonyms Chrysanthemum parthenium and Pyrethrum parthenium. Additional common names for feverfew include bachelor's buttons and featherfew.

Feverfew’s flowers resemble daisies and its leaves have a citrus scent. Feverfew was originally native to Eurasia, primarily the Balkan Peninsula. However, it now grows in temperate regions throughout the world. Feverfew’s pervasiveness is due to its natural ability to spread rapidly and commercial cultivation by humans.

Feverfew’s use as a medicinal herb is ancient, and it was already well-known when the Greek physician Dioscorides documented its use to help support healthy inflammation management in the first century. Feverfew is also used as an ornamental plant. The modern uses of feverfew in herbal medicine include support for occasional headaches and digestive health.

Parthenolide is one of the many ingredients in feverfew that exhibit pharmacological activity. The specific content of feverfew varies greatly in commercial supplements. One study of Canadian feverfew preparations found that the actual feverfew content varied by more than 40-fold.

Uses of Feverfew

The primary use of feverfew is the management and support of occasional headaches. It also has uses in supporting the reproductive system, maintaining digestive health, and managing the discomfort of toothaches.

Support for occasional Headaches

Oral supplements of feverfew may help support one’s ability to cope with occasional headaches.

Digestive Health Support

Feverfew is often used to help support healthy digestion.

Relief From Tooth Discomfort

Feverfew preparations may be applied directly to the gums to manage the discomfort of toothaches.

Reproductive System Support

Feverfew may help support the healthy function of the reproductive system.

Signs You May Need Feverfew

Occasional headaches are the most common sign that you may benefit from feverfew. However, we recommend consulting your doctor, GP, or health professional if you suffer from regular headaches or migraine before taking feverfew. A migraine headache is typically characterized by a deep, pulsing pain that originates behind the eyes or the sides of the eyes. This type of headache may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, movement, and sound. The onset of a migraine headache may also be preceded by the sight of bright flashes or sparks of light.

Synonyms and Similar Forms of Feverfew

Tanacetum parthenium, Chrysanthemum parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium, bachelor's buttons, featherfew.


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